The following paragraphs are taken word by word from our booklet The Apostolic Church of God 7th Day: It’s Origin, Mission, Teachings and Practices:
“There has been a terrible apostasy in the church and we are living in the times of Restoration when God is restoring ALL the truth that was taught by the Early Church and we feel a Divine responsibility to have a part in this Restoration. We believe that the denominational churches have played their part, but God cannot use them further in the restoration because they have ceased to progress in the restoration of all truth. We believe that we are filling in a very important vacancy. We believe that we must contend for all the Bible truth, or as Jude puts it – “the Faith that was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). It is for this reason that the APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF GOD was established in this area” (P. 1-2).
“Though we believe in upholding the Bible standard, and make no apology for our stand, we strenuously oppose any sectarian spirit. We do not say we are the only Church, we do not say that we have yet attained unto perfection, so we are open for Bible study and for advancement in truth—it we are convinced so by Bible injunction” (P. 2).
“Further, we wish to make it known, we are open for fellowship with any Bible-believing people and we cherish Christian fellowship with all of God’s children” (P. 2).
“The mission of the APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF GOD is embodied in the commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-18, to preach the fill Gospel to all nations and to teach the observance of all things taught by Jesus and His disciples including Scriptural Worship in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23)” (P. 3).
“The basis of faith and practice is the Bible and the Bible only…Though we do set forth certain tenets of faith as being fundamental and essential to Salvation and Church Administration, we do not believe in formulating a Church Creed or Catechism, for we learn from the example of other religious bodies that this has been the obstacle in trowing in grace and in the knowledge of truth. We recognize God’s Gracious Hand in the restoration of all truth to the Remnant Church which is to be the Bride without spot or wrinkle (Ephesians. 5:26-27)” (P. 4-5).